Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Update on Vivian and Baby Info

Just wanted to let all of you know that little Vivian is making progress and doing better. They said if she had been struck just millimeters over she would have had serious brain damage...BUT GOD!! God is good and her mom said that it is a miracle that she is doing so well.

Let's keep praying for Abby Grace and Kate McRae

So today is already a MUCH better day than yesterday. My husband walked in the door last night with a gift for me. He bought me the new bible I have been wanting and the most beautiful damask black and white bible cover.. he knew it was a rotten day. It cheered me up so much. I sat and read my new bible for probably two hours. I really enjoyed it. I lifted my spirits greatly.. I told Satan to crawl back in his hole in the name of Jesus! haha!

So this morning we had our monthly baby checkup. It was a little scary because the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat.. last time she found it quickly. I try not to panic but it's hard. The doctor came in and couldn't find it either...right before he was about to do an ultrasound we heard it! Whew! So glad the baby is ok.

So now we're about to be 15 weeks!

Baby is the size of an apple! I hope nobody is offended by the above pictures.. it wouldn't bother me but you never know.

I'm super excited because two of my best friends are about to have babies. So we're busy planning showers for them. It's so fun. I can't wait to meet their little ones!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day. Keep those little girls in your prayers!


1 comment:

Kristin said...

Awww! What a nice gift that your husband gave you! Glad today is a better day!