Saturday, August 15, 2009

Designing 101: Something I have learned... know how some people get writers block? I think it's also possible to get "designers block." LOL Seriously though... something I've had to really learn is to literally think outside the box. When I go to markets to choose items to sell in our boutique, I always want to pick the things that I like. Very quickly I learned to pick things that maybe I wouldn't choose, but someone else might really love. I keep an open eye now when looking at things because there are a million different styles and tastes out there.. and we want to offer something for all of those.

When it comes to designing things. I'm trying to think outside the box with that one too. Trying to design things that I love, but also design things that other people, with different preferences would love as well.

I'm totally rambling tonight. Just some thoughts I had.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You are SO right!!! It is the exact same way with my jewelry. I can't always make pieces that are my style, and that was a hard lesson for me. It wasn't easy to make things that I don't love. After all, in my world, everyone loves pink and zebra print, right? LOL.....Love you friend.