So the last few weeks have been a rollercoaster of events.
I didn't say anything here on the blog but we bought another house...wait, don't get excited. This was the "perfect" house. We had been looking for a little while..we are ready to move on to somewhere with more space and a playroom!
We loved this house we found! It has a huge kitchen with pot and pan drawers (I'm sorry but I get excited over that kind of stuff!), a huge dinning room, a biiiig laundry room with cabinets and storage, a detach garage with a long driveway for my kids to play. It was I said.
So we thought this was the house God had for us. Turns out, God has other plans! Don't you just love when he taps on your shoulder and says, "Rachel, this is a very nice house, but this isn't the house I want for you!" And I reply, "Um Lord, I don't think I've told you how crowded it is in our house...and oh, Lord, we are having another baby; did I tell you that Lord? (as if he didn't know!)...and we've been doing the Dave Ramsey thing for several years and we are so thankful for it...and so Lord, it's time to buy this house."
Do you ever have "those conversations" with God? Ha, they are quite funny. I love Him for the simple fact that He doesn't knock me down and put me in my place. He gently whispers, "Like I said daughter, Daddy knows best."
So the house fell thru at the last minute after two months of waiting. It wasn't our fault. Some issues with the sellers caused us to have to walk away from it. Big Bummer.
So for about two days, my husband and I walked around here totally out of sorts. It's always hard when God changes our plans. The way we thought/hoped for something to turn out and He puts our plans in the big blender up in heaven and turns it on!
Then the strangest thing happened. God gave me a total peace over it. For whatever reason, God didn't want us to have that house. I had to realize that God can see the beginning and the end of everything. "He will withold no good thing from me..." So the "good house" that we are looking for is out there, we just have to find it. I know my friend Tasha has had to come to that realization as well and I'm so happy that they have found a house!
Sometimes the waiting period can be the sweetest. :)
So shortly after the "sad news" thing started falling into place. We sat down and talked it over and came to the decision that God wants us to keep looking. The only problem was, the house we are in now is not an option, it's now somebody elses!! So what to do?
We could go to my parents house until then but they are under major renovations...not a kid friendly place.
So as the next hour passes, God answeres that worry. My in-laws who happen to be awesome people, have several rent properties and offered us to stay in one of their houses while we are on our house hunt!!!
I know it's such a small problem and there are such greater things I could worry over but I think we all know how it is when we plan something and the Lord changes it. I just want to praise Him for giving me the peace to accept NO when I heard it. He didn't have to give me that peace...I'm not owed it. But I am his daughter and he loves me! Thankfully.
I think I'm overjoyed with excitement at what the house God has for us will be like! We'll see. It may take us a while to find it but I know it's out there! Lord, if I could make a small request, can I please have a laundry ROOM? Right now I have a laundry closet and it works my nerves sometimes. ;)
So here's to my God and to the "unanswered prayers." He knows best.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Short and Sweet.. No pun intended ;)
It's 10:45 at night... I just made a box of brownies... and I'm going to eat them all by myself...because I can...because I'm hungry...and baby Parker REALLY wants them! I'll share some with my husband of course!
Oh, and I licked the bowl clean too! Waste not, want not! LOL
Oh, and I licked the bowl clean too! Waste not, want not! LOL
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Feelings from the heart
Happy Sunday! Hope everyone had a great day!
I was excited today to find out I have more blog readers than I thought...I realize that several of you read the blog but don't have blogs yourself.. Hi Jamie!! ;0) Thanks for following me and my little crew.
I just want to brag on the holy spirit right now.. church today was so amazing. We had a guest speak whom I grew up listening to each year at church camp. He's awesome.
He spoke from the book of Psalms and on the Valley of Baca. Which is the valley of sorrows or tears for a believer.
Here was the verse:
"Blessed are those who dwell in Your house;
they will still be praising You.
Blessed is the man whose strength is in You,
whose heart is set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
They make it a spring;
The rain also covers it with pools."
Psalm 84:4-6
It was a good message that I needed to hear. I'm so thankful that the presence of trials or valleys in our life is not the absence of God's love, care or protection for us. Notice in the verse that it says, "As they pass through.." Instead of IF they pass through. He is speaking to God's people here. He made it a point to say that as long as we live on this earth, Satan fights us, he battles us and wants to tear us apart. God does allow things that we do not understand. Some people associate a trial or something "bad" happening to them with the lack of obideince. That is not always the case. Isn't that good to know?
He said something today that was very profound to me: "If it will matter in a thousand years, then worry about it." Puts things into perspective for me. If it won't matter one thousand years from now, why fret over it? We should worry about things that will last in eternity.
I have to say how thankful I am for my mother. She is the most amazing person and I love her more than words can say. She quit working back in March and I have had the pleasure of hanging out with her ever since. :) We go eat lunch, we go shopping, we get pedicures.. I've truly enjoyed this quality time with. Especially being pregnant, there is just something about having your mother there. She shared with me something she read in her bible that really spoke to me so I'd like to share it with you all.. it was along with this chapter that he preached on today:
"The Lord is a sun and a sheild; the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withold from those who walk uprightly." Psalms 84:11
Something I have had to learn myself, is that the phrase, "no good thing" does not mean what we want. It means no good thing according to His will for our life. That's a hard pill to swallow. Either way, we are to be thankful for those things to which He doesn't see fit to allow.
Mom also shared with me this tidbit of info written by Billy Grahm's wife Mary:
I'm embarrassed at how often I've heard myself say, "Oh, God , please..." I learned to beg with my mother, so I employ those same techniques with God. To my relief; it never works. You see, God's word says He is a sun and a sheild. A sun provides light so we can see. And a sheild protects us from what we can't see. He has the grace to give us both. I've learned God is full of grace. He witholds nothing that is good for me. I walk with Him; He shows me the way. I have a need; He provides it. When it isn't the fullfilment of my own imaginings, I trust Him. He sees the end from the beginning. He has the grace to give me what I need, and the grace not to. He is full of grace.
Mary Grahm
Thank you Jesus for speaking to my heart today. God Bless each of you who stop by here to read. Come back tomorrow, I have cute pictures to share!
I was excited today to find out I have more blog readers than I thought...I realize that several of you read the blog but don't have blogs yourself.. Hi Jamie!! ;0) Thanks for following me and my little crew.
I just want to brag on the holy spirit right now.. church today was so amazing. We had a guest speak whom I grew up listening to each year at church camp. He's awesome.
He spoke from the book of Psalms and on the Valley of Baca. Which is the valley of sorrows or tears for a believer.
Here was the verse:
"Blessed are those who dwell in Your house;
they will still be praising You.
Blessed is the man whose strength is in You,
whose heart is set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
They make it a spring;
The rain also covers it with pools."
Psalm 84:4-6
It was a good message that I needed to hear. I'm so thankful that the presence of trials or valleys in our life is not the absence of God's love, care or protection for us. Notice in the verse that it says, "As they pass through.." Instead of IF they pass through. He is speaking to God's people here. He made it a point to say that as long as we live on this earth, Satan fights us, he battles us and wants to tear us apart. God does allow things that we do not understand. Some people associate a trial or something "bad" happening to them with the lack of obideince. That is not always the case. Isn't that good to know?
He said something today that was very profound to me: "If it will matter in a thousand years, then worry about it." Puts things into perspective for me. If it won't matter one thousand years from now, why fret over it? We should worry about things that will last in eternity.
I have to say how thankful I am for my mother. She is the most amazing person and I love her more than words can say. She quit working back in March and I have had the pleasure of hanging out with her ever since. :) We go eat lunch, we go shopping, we get pedicures.. I've truly enjoyed this quality time with. Especially being pregnant, there is just something about having your mother there. She shared with me something she read in her bible that really spoke to me so I'd like to share it with you all.. it was along with this chapter that he preached on today:
"The Lord is a sun and a sheild; the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withold from those who walk uprightly." Psalms 84:11
Something I have had to learn myself, is that the phrase, "no good thing" does not mean what we want. It means no good thing according to His will for our life. That's a hard pill to swallow. Either way, we are to be thankful for those things to which He doesn't see fit to allow.
Mom also shared with me this tidbit of info written by Billy Grahm's wife Mary:
I'm embarrassed at how often I've heard myself say, "Oh, God , please..." I learned to beg with my mother, so I employ those same techniques with God. To my relief; it never works. You see, God's word says He is a sun and a sheild. A sun provides light so we can see. And a sheild protects us from what we can't see. He has the grace to give us both. I've learned God is full of grace. He witholds nothing that is good for me. I walk with Him; He shows me the way. I have a need; He provides it. When it isn't the fullfilment of my own imaginings, I trust Him. He sees the end from the beginning. He has the grace to give me what I need, and the grace not to. He is full of grace.
Mary Grahm
Thank you Jesus for speaking to my heart today. God Bless each of you who stop by here to read. Come back tomorrow, I have cute pictures to share!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Goodies for Parker
Not alot of time to type but I wanted to show you guys some of the cute goodies I got for Mr. Parker today! They are quite adorable.. It makes me realize how small my boys once were and how fast they grow!! I wish they could be little forever!
First up... since he's going to be born the week of Christmas, I'm hoping it will be chilly so he can wear his little winter boots!!

His first pair of tennis shoes! They are so tiny!!

And he'll be ROCKIN' in this little outfit. :0)

I just love all the tiny little things! On another note, my friend Jessica is about to have her little girl Ally (can't wait!!). In her nursery instead of doing a glider chair she did a traditional white rocking chair. She was explaining to me when I was there the other day how great it will be for breastfeeding. So I sat in it and tested it out using her boppy. It was perfect! See, I had this fabulous, upholstered chair with my last son.. it was super luxurious but soft and squishy at the same time. It was actually hard to breastfeed and hold baby upright while I was sinking into this chair. But this rocker is perfect, stiff enough to offer good back support and an added plus is that the boppy sat perfectly on the arm rests! So I was super pumped about getting one myself..
So we went down to our local Lowe's today to check them out and they had little one's for kiddos! Bryce sat it one of them and said, "Mom, this is where I can rock baby Parker and then put him in his bed." It was so precious. So of course I had to get pictures of them in the rockers...

Random question: Why in the world put the kiddo rocking chairs next to the aunt killing chemicals? That stuff was all over the ground. Oh well..everything I see is through a mother's eyes.
First up... since he's going to be born the week of Christmas, I'm hoping it will be chilly so he can wear his little winter boots!!
His first pair of tennis shoes! They are so tiny!!
And he'll be ROCKIN' in this little outfit. :0)
I just love all the tiny little things! On another note, my friend Jessica is about to have her little girl Ally (can't wait!!). In her nursery instead of doing a glider chair she did a traditional white rocking chair. She was explaining to me when I was there the other day how great it will be for breastfeeding. So I sat in it and tested it out using her boppy. It was perfect! See, I had this fabulous, upholstered chair with my last son.. it was super luxurious but soft and squishy at the same time. It was actually hard to breastfeed and hold baby upright while I was sinking into this chair. But this rocker is perfect, stiff enough to offer good back support and an added plus is that the boppy sat perfectly on the arm rests! So I was super pumped about getting one myself..
So we went down to our local Lowe's today to check them out and they had little one's for kiddos! Bryce sat it one of them and said, "Mom, this is where I can rock baby Parker and then put him in his bed." It was so precious. So of course I had to get pictures of them in the rockers...
Random question: Why in the world put the kiddo rocking chairs next to the aunt killing chemicals? That stuff was all over the ground. Oh well..everything I see is through a mother's eyes.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Designing 101: Something I have learned... know how some people get writers block? I think it's also possible to get "designers block." LOL Seriously though... something I've had to really learn is to literally think outside the box. When I go to markets to choose items to sell in our boutique, I always want to pick the things that I like. Very quickly I learned to pick things that maybe I wouldn't choose, but someone else might really love. I keep an open eye now when looking at things because there are a million different styles and tastes out there.. and we want to offer something for all of those.
When it comes to designing things. I'm trying to think outside the box with that one too. Trying to design things that I love, but also design things that other people, with different preferences would love as well.
I'm totally rambling tonight. Just some thoughts I had.
When it comes to designing things. I'm trying to think outside the box with that one too. Trying to design things that I love, but also design things that other people, with different preferences would love as well.
I'm totally rambling tonight. Just some thoughts I had.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Hi all,
I had posted the other night about Katie, whose daughter had to be delivered via emergency c-section and she was on life support. She passed away yesterday. Please be in prayer for her parents. My heart is so broken for them. I can't even imagine. Here is a picture of Katie with her daughter. Just pray.
I had posted the other night about Katie, whose daughter had to be delivered via emergency c-section and she was on life support. She passed away yesterday. Please be in prayer for her parents. My heart is so broken for them. I can't even imagine. Here is a picture of Katie with her daughter. Just pray.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Urgent Prayer Needed
If you haven't seen today's post yet...scroll down and read. I had to get on again and post this urgent prayer request.
This is one of Kelly's friends... I love Kelly (Kelly's Korner) she has the most amazing blog and she inspires me everyday. I've been a blog follower of hers since Jan. when Harper was sick in the hospital. Her blog has been such a blessing to me. Anyhow, this is a friend of hers.. please pray for her. Info below:

From Kelly:
This is my beautiful, sweet, precious friend Katie. She was set to deliver her daughter in a couple of weeks and today had to go in for an emergency c-section. I don't know full details but from what I've gathered baby was not breathing and they are now saying she is brain dead and may be taken off machines tomorrow. (I don't know if I have everything correct) but can you PLEASE pray for Katie and her husband Jason. They delivered in the same hospital where I had Harper and I partially know the emotions they are going through right now but I can't imagine how hard this really is. Please lift them up. They are a Godly couple but they are going to need their faith to make it through. I know so many of you have lost children and I can't even begin to understand how hard it was. I am just sick over this. It's just so hard to understand why this would happen to such a wonderful couple.
This is one of Kelly's friends... I love Kelly (Kelly's Korner) she has the most amazing blog and she inspires me everyday. I've been a blog follower of hers since Jan. when Harper was sick in the hospital. Her blog has been such a blessing to me. Anyhow, this is a friend of hers.. please pray for her. Info below:

From Kelly:
This is my beautiful, sweet, precious friend Katie. She was set to deliver her daughter in a couple of weeks and today had to go in for an emergency c-section. I don't know full details but from what I've gathered baby was not breathing and they are now saying she is brain dead and may be taken off machines tomorrow. (I don't know if I have everything correct) but can you PLEASE pray for Katie and her husband Jason. They delivered in the same hospital where I had Harper and I partially know the emotions they are going through right now but I can't imagine how hard this really is. Please lift them up. They are a Godly couple but they are going to need their faith to make it through. I know so many of you have lost children and I can't even begin to understand how hard it was. I am just sick over this. It's just so hard to understand why this would happen to such a wonderful couple.
Halfway Mark! 20 Weeks
Well we have made it to the halfway mark of this pregnancy! Yeehaw!
It's a little bittersweet for me, knowing that the end is somewhat near. I love pregnancy (after the first trimester) and really miss it when it's over. I enjoy feeling life within me move around. It's the most amazing feeling. Although as the baby gets bigger, it begins to hurt a little!
Here's a peek of what baby looks like now!

Baby is now the size of a banana. I wish I would have had my blog back when I was pregnant with both my boys. I would have loved to record their pregnancies on here. I did scrapbooks with them but as you guess, they are all unfinished. I despise those projects I start and don't finish! I suppose we all have those?
Next week we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Daddy and I are super excited and can't wait to know what it is! Let the shopping begin! Boy or girl I can't wait to shop and buy this kid some clothes! I suppose if it's a girl, then I will shop more than if it was a boy (or so everyone says). Yes I do have lots of boy clothes but I don't want to hand them down a third time. If this is a boy the kid deserves some nice, new clothes of his own! ;0)
On a side note, I added a few new items to our etsy store. Well, they aren't really new. I added the burp cloth, a few ribbon holders and I'm hoping to add some other things tonight.
I took the boys to see a movie with some of their friends from sunday school class. It was so cute to see them sitting in their little booster seats. It was an early morning movie so there were lots of other kiddos there with daycare centers...when we walked out into the parking lot, several of the kiddos got into a yellow school bus. Bryce loves school buses. Not sure why. He asked me, "Momma, can I ride on the school bus when I get bigger?" I told him that he could.. then he walks over to my van, and pats it with his hand and says very proudly, "This is our bus isn't Momma?" LOL
Too cute!
Also thought of this verse today and it made me's hanging in my kitchen on a post card. I have them all over the house with different verses:
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. ~Ps. 127:4,5 :0) Our quiver is about to get fuller!
It's a little bittersweet for me, knowing that the end is somewhat near. I love pregnancy (after the first trimester) and really miss it when it's over. I enjoy feeling life within me move around. It's the most amazing feeling. Although as the baby gets bigger, it begins to hurt a little!
Here's a peek of what baby looks like now!

Baby is now the size of a banana. I wish I would have had my blog back when I was pregnant with both my boys. I would have loved to record their pregnancies on here. I did scrapbooks with them but as you guess, they are all unfinished. I despise those projects I start and don't finish! I suppose we all have those?
Next week we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Daddy and I are super excited and can't wait to know what it is! Let the shopping begin! Boy or girl I can't wait to shop and buy this kid some clothes! I suppose if it's a girl, then I will shop more than if it was a boy (or so everyone says). Yes I do have lots of boy clothes but I don't want to hand them down a third time. If this is a boy the kid deserves some nice, new clothes of his own! ;0)
On a side note, I added a few new items to our etsy store. Well, they aren't really new. I added the burp cloth, a few ribbon holders and I'm hoping to add some other things tonight.
I took the boys to see a movie with some of their friends from sunday school class. It was so cute to see them sitting in their little booster seats. It was an early morning movie so there were lots of other kiddos there with daycare centers...when we walked out into the parking lot, several of the kiddos got into a yellow school bus. Bryce loves school buses. Not sure why. He asked me, "Momma, can I ride on the school bus when I get bigger?" I told him that he could.. then he walks over to my van, and pats it with his hand and says very proudly, "This is our bus isn't Momma?" LOL
Too cute!
Also thought of this verse today and it made me's hanging in my kitchen on a post card. I have them all over the house with different verses:
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. ~Ps. 127:4,5 :0) Our quiver is about to get fuller!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
An idea becomes a reality
So I had mentioned several posts ago about the route we were taking with our business. I feel like it's in a sturdy enough place for me to express more about that route. For as long as God allows, we will always be Jack and Cole Designs, baby and children's boutique. When I started this journey several years ago my passion was to offer unique and one of a kind nursery and children's room decor and furniture. I feel like we have accomplished that *thank you Jesus!* and now that it is growing and is as stable as it can be at this point, we feel like we can also stretch ourselves to another branch, or spin off if you will, of Jack and Cole Designs!
We aren't yet at the point to say the spin off company name, but I will tell you about one of the products we'll be doing! Being that this is our third baby, I've had plenty of experience with maternity clothing. I hate that there just isn't much out there for women in the way of trendy, unique maternity clothing. Even more so, there isn't much out there for trendy women who aren't a size 2! We'll offer regular and plus sizes. So, we have been in the works designing, working with other vendors and distributors to launch our own line of maternity tops!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited about this!
We have a pretty cool name for the line. It won't just be tops, there is another awesome product we'll be launching (Lord willing) that will be apart of this extension of J&CD. There isn't anything else out there like this product so I'm hoping it will be a big hit with the Mommies!
I have been busting at the seams to tell all you guys but didn't want to say anything before we did as much research and planning as possible. Sad to say, my website has been slow going back up because I have had to give alot of time and attention to this.
So that is just one of the several "spin offs" that we are taking with J&CD. The other two inspirations and ideas I have are a long time in the making so I just have to be patient and grow my business one day at a time. We'll get there!
I hope to point people who purchase our products in the direction of Jesus. Hoping that in some way, by finding our company that they will come to know Him. He is the one who has given me these dreams and hopes and I'm so thankful for that.
Wish us luck and be in prayer for our endeavors! Thankful to have my faithful blog followers to pray and encourage me!
We aren't yet at the point to say the spin off company name, but I will tell you about one of the products we'll be doing! Being that this is our third baby, I've had plenty of experience with maternity clothing. I hate that there just isn't much out there for women in the way of trendy, unique maternity clothing. Even more so, there isn't much out there for trendy women who aren't a size 2! We'll offer regular and plus sizes. So, we have been in the works designing, working with other vendors and distributors to launch our own line of maternity tops!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited about this!
We have a pretty cool name for the line. It won't just be tops, there is another awesome product we'll be launching (Lord willing) that will be apart of this extension of J&CD. There isn't anything else out there like this product so I'm hoping it will be a big hit with the Mommies!
I have been busting at the seams to tell all you guys but didn't want to say anything before we did as much research and planning as possible. Sad to say, my website has been slow going back up because I have had to give alot of time and attention to this.
So that is just one of the several "spin offs" that we are taking with J&CD. The other two inspirations and ideas I have are a long time in the making so I just have to be patient and grow my business one day at a time. We'll get there!
I hope to point people who purchase our products in the direction of Jesus. Hoping that in some way, by finding our company that they will come to know Him. He is the one who has given me these dreams and hopes and I'm so thankful for that.
Wish us luck and be in prayer for our endeavors! Thankful to have my faithful blog followers to pray and encourage me!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
19 Weeks

It seems like only yesterday I was full of excitement to be hitting the second trimester and here we are at 19 weeks! Yay! Overall, I feel thankful to have made it this far and that the baby is healthy.
Each time I go for a checkup, the nurses have to search what seems like forever to pick up the heartbeat. The first few times this alarmed me but now it's almost like a game to see how Baby can hide. Everytime they tell me, "This baby is hiding WAY in the back." Little toot! Maybe that will be his/her nickname...little toot! Anyhow, this is new for me because in both previous pregnancies they never had an issue finding the heartbeat; especially at this stage of the pregnancy. It was like they would put the doppler on my tummy and it was there instantly! Nope, not this baby. I fear that we may have another stubborn child on our hands! LOL Could you blame the child?
The heartbeat today was around 140 she said...and it was hilarious on my facebook page to hear everyones thoughts on that. I read up on it online and it plainly says that they are all wivestales when it comes to predicting the gender of the baby. It's still fun to read and think about what it may be. We are only a couple of weeks away from finding out if we'll have a football team, or a football team with one player with a pink jersey!
IF the Lord does give me a little girl, my hope is that she will be tough and easy to throw a football and wear a tutu. If it's a boy I can already imagine the noise level in my house! Out of control!!
As far as names go, we only have a boy name set in stone. I would tell you but lets wait and see if it is a boy. I totally LOVE the boy name we decided on. I like the way it sounds and the way it looks when it's written down. We are having a hard time coming up with the middle name to go with that name so we'll have to see what we can come up with between the two of us.
Girl that has proven to be much harder! We've tossed some back and fourth and either he vetos mine or I veto his. It's quite funny actually.
I've gained 10 pounds overall and doctor A says that's really good. I've been eating pretty good.. I crave lots of fruits and have been drinking tons of water. I just need to exercise more. We've been going to the pool and I've been swimming laps but we're about to take on walking around the block or something.
So that's the update on Little Toot!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Way to go Amber
I wanted to post this on my blog for my friend Amber. She makes some really rocking hair bows, headbands, girly picture frames the cutest flip flops you've ever seen!
Her line was recently picked up by a pretty snazzy local boutique. They just put up a new billboard and used Amber's bows on it! Pretty exciting! Her bow is on the girl on the far left.

I was just really excited for her...that's so neat! Her website is up and looks fabulous. You can view it HERE
Kudos to you Amber! I wish you much success!
Her line was recently picked up by a pretty snazzy local boutique. They just put up a new billboard and used Amber's bows on it! Pretty exciting! Her bow is on the girl on the far left.

I was just really excited for her...that's so neat! Her website is up and looks fabulous. You can view it HERE
Kudos to you Amber! I wish you much success!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Jessica's Shower/Birthday
Last Sunday we had a shower for my friend Jessica. I love her to death. Michelle and I threw it together..Michelle did most of the work. The two of them are two of my closest friends. I love so many qualities about each of them.
Anyhow, the shower went so well and Jessica got a TON of cute things! Lots of diapers too. Michelle made the cake. She makes cakes for most of the showers, for weddings, birthday parties and so on. She has an amazing talent for cakes! If you are in the Houston area and need a cake, let me know and I will give you her information.
A few days before the shower we went out to eat to celebrate Jessica's birthday. We went to Cafe Adobe! YUM.. and we had dessert at The Dessert Gallery! Oh girls I can't even tell you how good their cakes are!
So here are a few pictures of each event! Also scroll below to see pictures from the Big Brother Class we took the boys to!

Anyhow, the shower went so well and Jessica got a TON of cute things! Lots of diapers too. Michelle made the cake. She makes cakes for most of the showers, for weddings, birthday parties and so on. She has an amazing talent for cakes! If you are in the Houston area and need a cake, let me know and I will give you her information.
A few days before the shower we went out to eat to celebrate Jessica's birthday. We went to Cafe Adobe! YUM.. and we had dessert at The Dessert Gallery! Oh girls I can't even tell you how good their cakes are!
So here are a few pictures of each event! Also scroll below to see pictures from the Big Brother Class we took the boys to!
Big Brother Class
Yesterday we took the boys to the Big Brother Class at the hospital. It was so cute! There were lots of other older sibilings in the class. Our friends the French family took the class with us so the boys enjoyed having their friend Jase in the class with them. It was a fun expeirence for all of us. The boys each got to pick their own babies out of the basket...Bryce picked a white baby and Britton picked a brown baby that looked like Daddy! LOL Hilarious.
They each got to swaddle their baby, change the baby's diaper and learn what could/could not go into baby's mouth. Then we headed out of the classroom for a tour of the hospital. They weren't too sure about the delivery room. All those machines sort of scared Bryce a little bit. But then we got to go to the nursery and Bryce was excited to see the "tiny babies" as he called them.
Not sure how much they actually soaked in. We are planning to take the class again closer to delivery...overall it was a good time with the family. Enjoy the pictures!

They each got to swaddle their baby, change the baby's diaper and learn what could/could not go into baby's mouth. Then we headed out of the classroom for a tour of the hospital. They weren't too sure about the delivery room. All those machines sort of scared Bryce a little bit. But then we got to go to the nursery and Bryce was excited to see the "tiny babies" as he called them.
Not sure how much they actually soaked in. We are planning to take the class again closer to delivery...overall it was a good time with the family. Enjoy the pictures!
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