Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm in love with...

SHOES! I know I'm a total nerd but I wanted to post some pictures of a few of my favorite pairs of shoes..

Do you love shoes too? Show me your favorite pair? Blog it on your blog and let's see how far it goes!!


Kristin said...

Love them all! But, I would have absolutely nowhere to wear them! My shoe collection is so pathetic that I've got noting to share! LOL

Tara said...

You always have the best shoes! Vic will have to add on a closet just for shoes! I love em!

Anonymous said...

mine would be a pair of broken in puma tennis shoes. :)

Dancing Queen said...

i really love that last pair! just don't think i could survive in them!! i seem to live in my crocs these days...not nearly as cute:)

Anonymous said...

my favorite are the black fuzzy ones! wink wink

Rachel said...

Hello my husband! You are too sweet. I love you.. I'll break out the fuzzy ones for you tonight! Wink.

MamaMia said...

Popped over from Dancing Queen's blog.

Anyway, it's sad...I don't do heels. In fact, I don't do any shoe other than running shoes.

Too cute that your husband commented. ;)