Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just in!!!

Check out these hair pretties for your little princess! They are so beautiful. Don't you love them?

I couldn't wait on the "good pictures" to post these on the blog. You'll see some really amazing photos of them soon.

What little girl wouldn't look adorable in these?

They are for sure a "show-stopping" accessory aren't they?

This one would go perfect with the Pink Paris outfit..

E-mail us if you are desiring one of these for your trend-setting diva! They are priced very well!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi "Jessica Wells," ;)

I have a bow lady who makes all of my bows for me. As for the flower headbands, I make these..the market is so oversaturated with the flower headbands, and the prices from vendors is so competitive that it's just more cost effective for me to make them myself. We have the bows and headbands match each outfit we have in stock. I looks so good for pictures to have a complete outfit. I think they are quite fabulous!

I have a sweet friend who makes bows and flower headbands for her two daughters and her niece. She can even wrap beads in hers...very talented!

Thanks for visitng our blog..what a "coincidence" that you found us!

Keep checking back...more hair accessories to come!

Blessings to you "Jessica!"