I just wanted to say tonight.. that I am so thankful for friends. FRIEND. Do you think that word is taken too lightly these days? I do. Webster's defines friend as:
" a favored companion, one attached to another by affection or esteem." Esteem is defined by webster as:
" the regard in which one is held; especially : high regard."I am so thankful for true friends. I am thankful for friends who are classy enough to handle situations presented to them with grace and dignity. I am thankful for friends I can be my complete self with. Those who build me up. Who truly want and desire the best for me.
One of my closest friends, who's words I value greatly once told me that when it came to friendships, it's
quality not quantity. Boy is she right. :)
I just want to say to Michelle and Jess, thank you for being such dear friends. You know how much I appreciate you guys. You have been there for me through some of the toughest times. My husband (who is not easily won over) has always spoken so highly of both of you.. he really respects who you are as individuals. Thank you for all of your support. Thank you for loving my family.
I know this post seems somewhat sappy; but I'm big on giving credit when it's due.. and I hope that I have been as good of a friend to you both as you have been to me.
Love y'all dearly.