Thursday, April 2, 2009

Photos continued

Here are the remaining pictures!

Anyone in need of a ROCKIN' diaper bag??

Hurry, these Spring lines are going fast! Many of the ones you see I currently only have 1 or 2 left in each size!

Have a great day!


Kristin said...

LOVE them all!! That is a super cute diaper bag too!

Angie Seaman said...

Hi Rachel. Sorry for the delay in getting back with you regading the new place here in Florida. I saw where you had asked about it under my status when my friend Lori mentioned it. Yes. we got a place in Bonita Springs now. We decided to get our own house because we spend so much time here throughout the year. This was my first time seeing it in person because I had Brent fly down and pick it out while I stayed home with the kids a few months ago. He did a great job working with realtor and finding what we wanted. I love it. It's in the Bonita Bay community here in Bonita Springs. It couldn't be better for our family. My Mother in law as well as my brother and sister in law flew down with us this trip to help us get settled in here and make it our own. We have had a great trip thus far and are enjoying our new beach house - fo' sho'! :)

Anywho, sorry for the delay in answering your question on that. Thanks for asking. We are headed out to the pool or beach now so I must get the suits on the kids and get going. They are getting ancy. Imagine that! Ha ha! Hope you are having a great weekend girl!

Hugs, Angie